Student Registration Form

Are you registering on a supported device?

If you are not registering on a supported device or are not sure, please stop and confirm the following:

  • Your desktop computer or laptop's operating system is Windows 8, 10 or 11 or macOS 13 or higher.
  • You are using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on Windows or Google Chrome or the latest version of Safari on macOS.
  • You will begin enrollment and start the course on the same Desktop or Laptop computer. After starting the course, it is strictly prohibited to switch devices or browsers.

Where applicable, information must be entered as it appears on the student's NYS Learner Permit. If you need help finding your information, consult these sample New York DMV photo documents.

Names can contain only letters and accented characters.

Invalid Input

Names can contain only letters and accented characters.

Invalid date. You must be 18 years or older to take the online course (you can still take the in-person course on a driving school). The correct date format is mm-dd-yyyy.

Invalid number. Client identification numbers are 9 digits long.

Invalid input. Document numbers are 8 or 10-digits and consist of letters and numbers.

Invalid Input

Invalid date. The date format is mm-dd-yyyy.

Invalid email address.

Email addresses don't match.

Invalid phone number.

Please provide an username!

Invalid password.

The password must be at minimum 14 characters long and contain at least one number.

Passwords don't match.

This field is required.

Please read the Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, and the Student Contract and type "I agree" in the box below.

In order to proceed, you must agree to the terms of service and the privacy policy by typing "I agree".